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Anticipated Dispositions

Facing Reckless Driving by Speed charges in Northern Virginia can be scary. These charges often requires negotiating a deal to avoid the misdemeanor. This is the goal of many clients. Depending on a variety of factors, after negotiations the prosecutor may offer the following:

  • Speeding ticket,
    • at the same speed (6 points if 20 mph or more over speed limit),
    • 10-19 over, (4 points)
    • 1-9 over (3 points)
  • improper driving (3 points)
  • failure to obey a highway sign (3 points)

Additionally, Defective equipment, failure to pay full time and attention, and failure to obey a highway sleeper sign are no point offenses.

Any reduction out of reckless driving will result in only a fine. results in a fine up to $250.00 with the exception of improper driving which could be $500.00.

However, the legal issues and mitigation play an important role in the disposition. So make sure you follow the advice of your attorney to ensure the best possible outcome.